What was the year 2022 like
The end of the year 2022 is getting closer, which means that it is the right time to recapitulate the year. Firstly we would like to focus on the news, which happened since the last update.
The last quarter of the year was intense. Thanks to many orders, our team has grown. We welcomed 3 new employees and set the work. So many orders were waiting for us. Especially one order was really large. It was an order for six eleven metres containers. We have been working on this order since autumn and we are expecting to finish it and send it to our customer by the end of this year. Besides, we were also working on many smaller orders, which was already successfully sent to our customers.
This quarter we have been also focusing on broadening our employees´ horizons. They were attending lots of training and courses. All this gained information is being already used in our work.
Looking back on the year brings a smile to our faces. After the covid 2021 year, we were a bit worried, about what would the new year bring us. But during the year we were pleasantly surprised with how things were going. Thanks to the new connections we have received so many orders. We are so happy that our customers have faith in us and are returning with new orders. During the year we also renovated our workplace. We focused on more modern equipment and machinery.
What are we expecting in the future? On the 2nd of January, we are returning to Piletice, rested and prepared for even bigger accomplishments. At the beginning of the year, we are also planning to start the NesT portal, making communication between the customer and our salesman easier.
Lastly, we would like to all our Temlos team, our costumers, and our suppliers to wish a Merry Christmas and a Happy new year.